We created this website to make it easier for program administrators to find resources on effective and promising program models. Our intent is not to include every possible resource, but instead to include those we have found to be most useful for program administrators. Here’s a guide to what is in each section:
Synthesis Reports: This section has reports that synthesize evaluation results and/or program information across multiple programs that are of a similar type or aim to achieve similar outcomes. These reports don’t tend to have a lot of detail on specific programs.
Program Information: This section is organized by type of program and includes detailed program descriptions, evaluation reports and topic-specific synthesis reports.
Executive Function: This section has materials that describe what executive function skills are, provides examples of programs that build executive function skills or use executive function principles in their program designs and provides other resources for programs interested in using executive function principles to improve their work and other human service programs.
Webinars: This section includes recordings of webinars we have hosted since 2013.
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