Community Jobs provides comprehensive, paid work experience plus skill building opportunities for hard to employ TANF recipients. Participants gain valuable work experience, self-confidence, marketable skills, and an avenue to permanent unsubsidized employment. The state agency places participants in temporary, 20-hour-per-week paid positions with local nonprofit organizations and public agencies to gain work experience and job skills. In addition, participants enroll in at least 10 hours of additional activities to help increase their future employability including education, job readiness training, life skills training, or community service. Participants remain in the program up to six months.
Community Jobs Program Description
Below is the link to the section on Community Jobs in Washington State’s WorkFirst Handbook. WorkFirst serves TANF families.
Community Jobs Section in WA State’s WorkFirst Handbook
Below is the link to an outcomes assessment and program evaluation conducted on Washington State’s Community Jobs program around 2000, by the Economic Opportunity Institute and the Northwest Policy Center.
Community Jobs Outcomes Assessment and Program Evaluation