Job Search – Building Better Programs Resources for Improving TANF and Related Work Programs Thu, 19 Mar 2015 16:35:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Evaluating the effectiveness of Washington state repeated job search services on the employment rate of prime-age female welfare recipients Thu, 24 Jul 2014 22:13:27 +0000 Read more]]> This paper uses an unbalanced panel dataset to evaluate the effects of repeated job search services (JSS) on the employment rates of the prime-age female welfare recipients in the state of Washington. The JSS are the main services provided by the WorkFirst program under the TANF program in Washington. Since the average annual expenditure per recipient of TANF in 1998 was $12,363 and the total annual expenditure was $830 million to Washington State, policy makers are particularly interested in finding out how effective the JSS program is and whether repeatedly participating in JSS could fundamentally change the labor market outcomes.  Our findings indicate that the first job search service does have positive and significant impacts on the employment rate. However, providing repeated JSS to the same client has no significant impact. Further, we find that there are significant experience-enhancing effects. These findings suggest that providing one job search services training to individuals may have a lasting impact on raising their employment rates.

Click here to read the paper: Evaluating the effectiveness of Washington state repeated job search services on the employment rate of prime-age female welfare recipients (Hsiao et al., 2008)

Note: This is a very technical article, but the executive summary is accessible. 

A Framework for Thinking about Job Search Assistance Programs Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:38:58 +0000 Read more]]> This practice brief describes an overarching framework for thinking about Job Search Assistance (JSA) programs, including an overview of service delivery methods, key JSA program components, and the key steps that make up the job search process. It then describes the mechanisms affecting the job search process, including program goals.

ABT Associates – A Framework for Thinking about Job Search Assistance Programs


Other useful materials are available on the report page, also prepared by Abt Associates.

This report reviews research related to the relative effectiveness of various job search methods and the components of job search assistance (JSA) programs, including federally-funded programs.  The report provides an overview of current JSA programs and the existing literature related to JSA, with a focus on low-income and disadvantaged workers and heads of households.

Job Search Assistance Programs: A Review of the Literature (December 2012)

Services to help people find work are a common element of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other programs, but evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches is limited. This report presents options for designing a rigorous evaluation of the impact of job search assistance for low-income workers. It describes several broad designs, using both individual- and group-randomized experimental designs, and concludes with a discussion of the tradeoffs when considering research questions, technical merit, practical merit, and policy relevance.

Design Options for an Evaluation of TANF Job Search Assistance (February 2013)


The Design Options of the Search for Employment (DOSE) page, click here
(This page contains links for all the above reports and frames the project)

Ramsey County’s Individual Placement and Support Job Search Model Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:23:25 +0000 Read more]]>

Ramsey County (St. Paul, MN) piloted a program to test whether the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model which has primarily been used to increase employment among individuals with significant and persistent mental illness could be used successfully with TANF recipients with significant employment barriers.  For the project, it gathered into the same location mental health services, health care services, and employment services and followed the design of the IPS model for placing recipients in competitive employment.  The pilot results were positive, suggesting that the model can be adapted effectively for TANF recipients with disabilities.

CBPP webinar on Ramsey County’ IPS Job Search Model
Webinar Video
Webinar Slides

OPRE Report – The TANF/SSI Disability Transition Project: Innovative Strategies for Serving TANF Recipients with Disabilities

Dartmouth IPS Supported Employment Center


Utah’s Work Success Program Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:17:52 +0000 Read more]]> Utah’s Work Success program is a highly-structured job search program for unemployed individuals (TANF and non-TANF).    The program, which requires a 40-hour per week commitment on the part of participants, is delivered by Work Success coaches with support from licensed clinical social workers.  The coaches work with a relatively small number of people – usually 10-12 at a time—intensively for 2-4 weeks.  The program is designed to build on participants’ strengths and to help them identify and reach their individual employment goals.  The program is targeted to individuals who are ready to work 40 hours per week.

CBPP Webinar on Utah’s Work Success Program
Webinar Video
Webinar Slides

Program Materials:
Work Success Brochure
Work Success Job Coach Description
